Wrap-around Care

"We understand that it can be difficult for parents to strike the right balance between work, family and free time. At Newquay Primary Academy, we offer wraparound care both before and after school, giving you that much needed flexibility and breathing space. Taking part in our wide range of clubs and activities after school also means that your child is bound to make new friends and discover a handful of new hobbies.

Breakfast club

Breakfast Club will be open from 8am – 8:40am, Monday to Friday. From January 2024, fees will be:

8am – 8:40am: £3.50

All fees include a drink of milk or water, toast and fruit during the session.

After Academy Club

This will run from 3–6pm, Monday to Thursday. There will be no After Academy Club on Friday. Fees will be:

3pm – 4pm: £4.50 
4pm – 5pm: £4.50 
5pm – 6pm: £4.50 

Total cost for whole session: £13.50 

A drink and snack will be provided to pupils who attend the After Academy Club.

For more information, please see the links below: